Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Time Saving Tips...

Do we really need to be in the kitchen all day cooking for this style of eating?

Here are some tips to get you started:

Make your broth overnight in slowcooker
then use this as base for soup and casseroles etc all the next day
If only you doing it, then freeze what you don't need

Slow cook lamb shoulders
use that as your meat for your meals and snacks
(you can slow cook it over night on very low or do it for 4 hours in oven on 150)

Make chicken broth with half a chicken (I do 2 pots to use the whole chicken)
then you are left with meat and broth

If you are working
have a big day doing lots of broth and meat,
freeze in meal size portions for your work day

When baking slices and cakes, bake them in rectangluar tins
cut into cubes and freeze for quick snacks and lunchbox treats


Welcome to my new blog...

This is where I am at with my family and our diets...

We have transitioned from Failsafe to a GAPS style diet.

I am currently on full GAPS and the children are in the process of liberalising their food chemicals...

Read all about this in Beyond Failsafe

We have a facebook group you might like to join for support Beyond Failsafe...GAPS

I will be sharing all the recipes we love very soon...